Saturday, October 26, 2013

Three Quotes, Three Men, One Thought

"You create your own universe as you go along."
Winston Churchill

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."

"Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
Albert Einstein

Three different quotes.

Said by three totally different people.

As I've been reading "The Secret" by Rhona Byrne I've found myself inspired to see my actions at present as the creators of my future.  And to see that my thoughts and desires I've had in the past have certainly created the life I am currently living.

So even though they are three different quotes stated by three different men, they are essentially talking about the same thing.

Thought is the root of everything in your life.

And it's not just a concept that is New Age or spiritual.  It is scientific as well.  Everything that has been created, and everything that will be, is made of energy first.  Then that energy takes on a physical form. 

But to break it down to even simpler terms, you have to have a thought about something first before you can begin to act upon it and make it a reality.

Three different quotes, by three different men, spoken at three different eras, coming from three different points of view, and out of three different life experiences.  And yet, they all connect to one empowering thought, that thought is power.

Isn't that empowering?

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