....... Six More Habits of Highly Effective People.
I've really got to get my A-game on! Or at least put down Game of Thrones and get reading!
So I've read about the second habit of highly effective people. And that habit is BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.
Alright, I'm going to be honest. Even though I do think that this book has had some good points, and some excellent examples of these points, the reading itself is REALLY slow going. And I know repetition helps people remember better, but there are times when I want to shout at Covey and say "GET TO THE POINT!" But then I remember that I have read "Of Plimoth Plantation" by William Bradford over a dozen times already and then realize that I can deal with an author growing too tedious to mention. (Thank you all my pilgrim buddies for laughing that this really big inside joke. Love you!)
So, instead of listing off what Stephen Covey tells us about this particular habit, I'm going to talk about the things I got out of all the repetitions and pie charts.
Number one, the title of the chapter says it all! I mean, you should read the chapter and get all the examples. But, at the same time to, the title does say it all. Begin with the end in mind. So, of course, whenever you decide to do something you should always know what your objective is. You should know where you are going with something. Or else you are just wandering aimlessly, which can be fun for a little while, but extremely frustrating if you really want to achieve something. Especially someone like me, who has a need for organization and would rather get something done now than later. Just ask my husband.
The second point I got was this really cool idea about keeping a personal constitution! Meaning you write out a declaration on who you want to be, and where you want to go in life. Now I'm a person who loves lists. And I love writing my thoughts down so I can organize them. Not only am I blogging about these inspirational books I'm reading this year, but I'm also keeping a journal, writing down points that I find inspiring or quotes that I really like. And that, in turn, helps me to organize what I wish to write on this blog, to all of you! So creating a personal constitution is certainly up my alley. Thank you Covey for such a great idea!
And I have a great quote that I'd love to share that was said by Frankl (remember the Jewish professor that survived the concentration camps of the Nazis I told you about in the previous post?). He said "Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life... Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. thus everyone's task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it." That is a very cool way to view life. That each and every person has their own specific mission in life, that can not be copied by anyone else. Makes you realize that being different isn't so bad after all.
So there are really good points in this book. And I'm hoping that, as we keep going with each habit, that the pace becomes more comfortable and less analytical. But even if it doesn't there is always something to learn, so I'll keep at it and try to get what I can from Stephen Covey and his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People."
And I'll do it in 9 days! I hope......
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