Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I was going to write about all the information I've read in "The Art of Happiness".

I was going to quote the Dalai Lama several times.

But not with this post.

I had an interesting conversation with one of my coworkers today.  We were just talking about things going on in our lives when she said, out of the blue....

"You seem really happy."

It seems just a general comment.  But it took me by surprise.  Here I am, reading about how to be happy.  Analyzing everything that was being said by the Dalai Lama. Thinking how I could be happier. 

And then, just like that, I figure out that I am happy.

I mean I know there are things that I want in life.  More financial security, to be a mother, to do things I want to do, go places I want to go. 

But I am truly happy with what I have as well.  I have a wonderful husband, loving family, fun and supportive friends.  I have a roof over my head, food to my table, and a good book to read.  And every day brings something new.

It's amazing how things can just hit you like that.  Here I am, figuring I would have to work so hard to become happy, and to find that I really, truly am.

Does this mean I want everything to remain the same?  No, there are things I want in life that I don't have now.  But am I happy with who I am, where I am, and who I have around me? I can truly say, from the bottom of my heart, yes.

Does this mean I'm done reading?  Heck no!  This is still a really good book!

But one thing it has done is made me take a look at my life, who I am, and what I want to be.  And it's made me realize that, to truly be happy in life, you need to be happy with yourself.  Life is going to throw you curve balls, and there will be times of anger and sadness and pain.  But I have so much to be thankful for.  So much love and compassion in my life.  And, when I sometimes sit and wish for more, realize that I will work to get what I want, but still love and appreciate my life right now.

So, with this mushy and information lacking epiphany, I will emphasize again.  If you want to be happy, be happy with yourself, right now, no strings attached.

So thank you coworker, for pointing out what I should have realized all along.

And don't worry, I'll give you information overload with my next post.

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