Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, New Opportunities, New Book!

Hi everyone! I'm back and I'm reading another inspirational book!

After a crazy December it seems like everything has come to a head this January. All of a sudden alot of things seem clear now as I begin the year 2014.  Now that we have a plan of when we're moving and what we need to do, my husband and I now look to the New Year with more confidence and even excitement.

But, going through the craziness of the necessity to move also made me think about everything I had learned so far from reading such inspirational books.  Especially on how your outlook on every situation creates the reality of the situation.  And even though panic and fear were the first reactions my husband Mark and I had, the fear soon turned to acceptance and then acceptance turned to confidence that we could see it through.  Now that confidence has become excitement for what the future will hold for us in moving to our new place.

But with this roller coaster of events and emotions, it is very good that I have some chicken soup for my soul, in the version of my new inspirational book, "Chicken Soup for the Soul" by Jack Canfield.

Now, I've been looking forward to reading this book.  I've read some others that have been published, like "Chicken Soup for the Animal Lover's Soul" and "Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul".  But this is my first time reading the book that started it all.  And I'm very excited to start it. 

I also have decided to do this a bit differently than when I read the first five books.  Before I would write down notes and create activities and make myself really study what I was reading.  Which there isn't a problem with that, except that it made me feel like this is a chore rather than what I want it to be, an inspirational learning experience.  So I decided I'm just going to read, and when I come across a story or idea that I find I need to meditate on, I'll then blog about it.  It will make it an inspirational learning experience without feeling like homework.

So here's to a new book, a New Year, and a new opportunities!

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