Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blink and It's Gone

So, I meant to write a conclusion about "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell much sooner than this.  In that conclusion I would say that it's a great book and I would recommend reading it.  It's interesting how the mind works, and his style of writing makes it not dry at all.  It's to the point where I will certainly will be looking for Gladwell's other book "The Tipping Point".  As an inspirational book, it's certainly different and is not one to read if you're looking for a feel good book.  It really is just an analysis on how the unconscious brain works.  But still, a great read.

But I sadly need to put my inspirational reading on hold for this month.  Not only has the hecticness of the holidays and work taken away alot of my spare time, but we find ourselves unexpectedly having to move very soon.  So any spare time I have involves packing and getting things ready for the end of the month. 

My hope is that January will be much quieter once everything is set, and then I'll be able to tackle both December's and January's readings in one month.  But for now, I'm going to put my nose to grind stone and get what needs to get done done.

See you in January!

If you want to keep up with what's going on check out my other site My Daily Simplicity where I'll be still updating my adventures in finding the "simplicity" in life.  Enjoy!

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