Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Pursuit of Happiness

Isn't that what life is all about?  Pursuing what makes you happy?

Of course it is.

Do we, at times, tell ourselves that something that will make us happy is out of our reach?

Of course we do.

And are there many people giving advice and ideas on how to be happy with who you are and the life you are living?  Or to create the happy life you want?

Yes, yes there is.

But what does it mean to be TRULY happy?

I guess the answer to that question comes from the fact that what makes a person happy really depends on that person.  So there really is not just one answer.

So I guess that's it.  I figured it out.  Thanks for reading my blog......

Just kidding.

But what I am trying to achieve with this twelve month project (or one year) is to figure out what are those key points that creates a life full of happiness.  Is it just mindset that makes us happy?  Or is it spiritual and emotional happiness?  Or are the relationships we have create the base for bliss?  Or is it going out into the world doing the work you love to do?  Or is it not being burdened by debt and being financially free? 

I know it is a combination of all of those points.  But what I'm trying to achieve here is figuring out, for myself, what makes a life full of happiness?

It's not to say that I'm unhappy.  I am married, and I do have a wonderful husband whom I love more than anything.  I have two lovable furry cats who are my pride and joy. I  also have work that I enjoy to do.  My husband is creating a successful law practice, which makes me very proud of him.  I can say though that our money situation could be better and it does cause stress in our lives.  I'm also trying to become a mother, which has been more of an emotional roller coaster than I had expected.  But I have a loving family and several close friends who bring happiness and security to my life.  And, overall, I have a sanguine disposition and desire to be happy with life.

So what is "The Pursuit of Happiness?"

For me it is going to be a project of sorts.  For the next year (twelve months, though I think you could all figure that out,) I will be reading motivational books about creating a happy life.  So it will be one book a month.  A list of the twelve books I am reading will appear in the next post I create, but first what I shall do with this new knowledge?  It's one thing to read a motivational book and say "Well that was enlightening."  But it's another to take that knowledge and actually find ways to use it in your life.  So, with each book, I will be doing three activities that takes points made in the book to try and integrate the lessons of happiness.  And I would also find three ways to use what I have learned from these books for the long term, which I would figure out at the end of the month.

Now why do this project on a blog?

It's true, I could just do this on my own.  And, since happiness is in the eye of the beholder (I know it's beauty but work with me here), I'm going to be picking what I feel is important in these books and using the lessons I learn to bring happiness in my life.  But I also desire that others would join me in this project.  And, by having a support group around to give me more ideas and motivation, I desire that it will be helping more than just me, and to have other people think about how to create the happy life we desire in our lives.  So I want to have many happy people, not just myself.

So what now?

Well, what I plan to do is on July 1st, which is tomorrow, is to start reading my first motivational book.  And then, as I read it, I'll record down ideas, thoughts, and activities that I am inspired to do from my readings.  And then, at the end of the month, I will do a reflection on what I have read and learned, and state three ways I will continue to use those lessons to create happiness in my life.  And then, August 1st, I will start my next motivational book and start the process all over again.  And hopefully, by June 30th 2014, I'll have finished  twelve months of motivational reading, and hopefully will be happier for it.

I desire that you will come with me on this journey of pursuing happiness!

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